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This Mama’s 1st Semester

22 Dec

Hi everyone — it’s been a while!

Yesterday I had my last final for this semester. It was the wrap up of my first real taste of college. When I started college full time (four classes) this fall, I didn’t know what to expect. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get it done what with all my motherly duties (though the young women at The Push Back show how much one can achieve even while parenting). My plans were to go to school every week day and then stay for a couple hours afterward to do my studying before coming home to my partner (my daughter’s dad) and my girl. It meant I only saw my daughter for a few hours on some days, but I reminded myself that she was with her other parent full-time and that many children have parents who work and therefore who they don’t see most of the day. I tried not to feel guilty.

Well, I think it paid off. My daughter is as happy as ever, and I’ve done really well in my classes. I know I’ll be satisfied with my final grades when the results of the finals roll in. I did my best and my best turned out to be really satisfactory. Also, my professors were great. They went out of their way to help me and give me feedback.

This — lots of support and room to be successful — is what I want all teen mamas to get.